Monday, November 7, 2011

Sports - German style

Interest in sports here can be narrowed down pretty is all about the Fußball!  When we sport our Clemson orange during the week on the street, people assume we are fans of the Dutch national team.  If we attempt to explain about the joys of college football in the southern USA, well, let's just say we meet with a lot of blank stares!  

When we got here, I wasn't sure if Luke would pick basketball or soccer to play (no baseball really, and both sports are year-round commitments).  But I knew Silas would be ALL ABOUT THE SOCCER.  And he has been.  Luke stuck with soccer, too, because that is what most of the kids here play.  He went to the basketball activity for the first time this past week and was reminded why he liked it so much.  So I don't know how permanent his time with soccer is, but for now, we are all about the soccer, too!

I am posting my soccer shots and videos in this blog especially so the grandparents can see.  They are desperately missing going to baseball, soccer and basketball games.  So I wanted to give them a taste of it.  Also, there are some interesting ways they start and end matches here.  So even you, my average reader, may want to check that out!  Enjoy!

Luke is #5 in this picture.  They turn in their unis after every match to be washed.  They call it the kit.  Anyway, we moms take turns washing the kit after each game.  I haven't had my turn yet - I'm sure it is coming!

SOOOO close - but just didn't make it!

Corner Kick!

Fighting for it!

In the thick of it.
Post game cheer/yell.  See video below.

It was a little bright out there and the photographer told them to keep their eyes closed until he said to open them.

Silas on the throw-in.  He has 3 girls on his 12 and under team who are quite good!

Man on the run!

I think he looks really old in these pictures - where did my baby go??

Love the arm pushing!  Be aggressive!

They cheer like this before the match begins and after the match ends.  Silas's team is saying "ISD...LIONS! ISD...LIONS! ISD...LIONS!  The other team is speaking German, so I have no idea what they are saying!

Luke's team after the game - this was a friendly against the 8&under team.  Luke is on one of the 3 10&under teams the school has.  After their cheer above, the ISD team gathers in a circle and usually ends up dancing around and around in the circle.  It was shorter this day, but still cute.

Wow - 2 posts in 2 days!  That is something for me.  I guess I need to get back to all the things I am neglecting, like cleaning, laundry, calling the repair center.  (That last one I am dreading - they have had my dryer for a week, they only speak German, and we muddle through in person.  But on the phone??  So yes, I have been very German this week and line-drying all our clothes.  After they wash for 2 hours in the washing machine.  Can you say a little behind on the laundry?)

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