Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Cannot wait! Christmas in the States

So yes, I am reliving last year in order now...approximately 11 months later. What have I been doing this last year, you ask? Hopefully you will see some of the results in future blogs! (We had a LOT of visitors and a lot of travel in there. So fun!)

We haven't been back to the US since last Christmas. I cannot tell you the anticipation we are all feeling to be back with our family and friends that are like family. A picture montage of what we are excited about.

Awesome time with our families.

Grandpa bought a ping pong table for us!

Discussing who will beat whom in ping pong, I'm sure.

My Granny!  She celebrated her 90th last week - doesn't she look great?

A bunch of the great-grands!

More - these cousins are crazy.

Cute new little great-grands, too!

I'm sure this was a gag gift...always love the laughs our family provides. My dad is often the brunt of these!

Nice photo-bomb, Mac.

Love this quirky guy!

Woot - cash!

Massager - everyone was jealous.

Kid-version of Headbands - they beat us, didn't they Lane?

Family game time on Christmas

I have no idea.

Presents and Christmas at Papa & Nana's.

Yes!  More weapons!

Christmas at Uncle Brett and Aunt Julie's involves a "take no prisoners" football game!

Grandpa drags Luke and Aunt Julie with him - but we were playing 2 hand touch!!!

All looking and semi-smiling. This is the best we can do.

Yes, Zee looks a little bug-eyed - but once again looking and semi-smiling.

 Simply the best time ever with the Fowlers and friends - fantastic break highlighted with New Year's Eve and a Clemson win!

Hayes greater than Santa - Best sign EVER, Fowlers!!!!  

One of my absolute favorites. Stacy, you are the best.

New Year's Eve - Clemson game fun!

Love this kitchen. Home to us.

Love this girl and the woman she is becoming. So incredibly proud.

Getting weepy looking at these pictures - love these boys together.

Best Friends. Howler family.

Reuniting with the Hucks - special people.

Adam - I have no words. Always fun to reunite with the Smiths!

The Scotts came to see us too. We do not see enough of any of these people.

We saw Ezra - so sweet!!!  Love seeing this special family. (Love is the theme here, isn't it?)

Unbelievably, I could not locate a single picture of Zee and Luke with their best friends nor me with their mothers (who just also happen to be 2 of my best friends). We must remedy that this year, Heather and Elizabeth! Those boys and their mommas welcome us with open arms and enthusiastic plans each Christmas - Folks, you have no idea what it means that your sweet fellas still think of my boys. We miss you all daily.

There were so many others of you we spend time with each break - thank you for making the time, and taking it away from your own families to see us, to remind us we are still loved. (I cannot believe I didn't take more pictures - Suzanne and Monica, maybe the picture of our trip to the Mexican restaurant was from the summer??  Oh well.)

Well now I believe we are all getting in the spirit! It is amazing what a bond can form between people who live life with you, who pray for you, who pursue you, who care for you over the miles, who love you with all your faults, and who fill your heart with indescribable joy. Thankful for all of you dear ones, family and friends, and cannot wait to see you soon!

PS - If YOU have a picture from last Christmas, I would LOVE to have it - send it to me!  :-)

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