Thursday, August 2, 2012

A little blah...

Don't think I have forgotten about this blog - I have a lot of updating to do.  (Least of which includes Nana and Papa's visit here, our trip around Germany, our trip to ROME, our trip back to the US) but since returning from the States, I've just been feeling blah.  I would love to put all of this on my jet-lag, but I cannot.  I think it stems from several things.  I was SUPER homesick for a few days when we first returned to Germany.  I don't know if I have ever really been homesick.  But we had such a great, relaxing, just BE time with family and friends, I just really felt it.  Now, on top of jet lag and homesickness, add a dose of one of my dearest friends here leaving to go back to the States in 2 weeks.  Yes...a serious case of the blahs.  

But I am attempting to get back on my feet.  And tonight, this is one little clip that helped me do so.  I don't know if you feel the joy in music like I do, but this lifted my spirits and focused my attention where it should be.  Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee!


  1. Hope you are feeling your normal up self soon!

  2. Just found your blog... Hope you are feeling better now! I know what you mean about being homesick, it got like that towards the end of our trip over there. We were only there for 3 weeks, so I know it has got to be even harder for you.

    I wanted to let you know that the other week in church, we sang How He Loves, and I REALLY REALLY missed you and your voice. The woman was good, but it just seriously made me miss Clemson at that moment.

    Prayers that you are no longer feeling blah and are back to your awesome self!

    1. So sweet, Audrey! I have perked up a good bit- jet lag is terrible coming this way! This next week will be hard again though. I have one of my best friends here leaving. Hope y'all are well! So glad we got to see you!!
