Monday, September 26, 2011

A Day in the Life

So yes, finally getting around to this.  Except it is going to be a short post.  Because a day in our life is still so frantic and hectic, I don't have time for a long post.  I spend my mornings packing lunches, helping dress children, running to catch the tram, take them to school, come home, clean house for a bit and watch an episode of FNL! :), run to my language lesson, back to school, off to soccer practice, back home, run to the market, back to pick up at practice, back to cook dinner, showers, ready for bed, bed time stories and prayers, bed, a little me time, bed.  That is it in a nutshell.  SUPER similar to the states, except everything not involving school is in GERMAN.  :)  Tricky.  Here are some photos to do the talking for me!

The Hayes' town house

Fixing breakfast & lunches first thing in the morning.

Waking up Zee!

A little Netflix time before school for Luke.

Waiting on the tram.

Riding the tram.
International School of Düsseldorf - Elementary school side

This upside down cartwheeler is a symbol of Düsseldorf - this is in the school yard at ISD.  This cartwheeler incorporates the philosophy of the International Baccalaureate program.

To the Market for me - they have a 1 Euro spot at the local Real!
I will add some pictures from the soccer pitch today if I can snag some.  I haven't even gotten out my good camera, yet.  Although I do know where it is!  :)  Hope you all are having a most excellent day!  (okay - i just previewed this post - it is so boring.  But I am not changing it.  Because I don't have time.  I will attempt to make the next post more interesting.  But if I was going to be a really good, consistent, highly informed and entertaining blogger, I think I would need fewer kids.  Or maybe not learning a foreign language.  Or really, just not as spaced out all the time.  Or something.)


  1. This post is the opposite of boring. More pictures please (when you have time, of course)! We're so curious about everything that's going on with the Hayes in Germany.

  2. loved this!! it is so fun to see what you guys are up to over there! i love that they have a 1 euro spot, ha!

  3. Loved checking in on y'all this morning! What a huge adventure! Hugs to you all!
