Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Christmas Stateside

We went home for Christmas.  I feel like one day I will be able to say that Düsseldorf is home, but I am not quite there yet.  And let's face it.  Clemson will ALWAYS feel like coming home to me.  Clemson was coming home even when I lived in Florence, or North Carolina.  I think that orange gets in your blood. 

We had an amazing time.  Our families greeted us at the airport - Stuart's parents and my sister-in-law came to pick us up; my parents and brother were awaiting our arrival 15 minutes away at my brother's house.  We had dinner, we laughed, we hugged.  (My dad was going in and out of the house constantly just waiting for our arrival.  Sweet.)  It was a great moment.  We took that night just to rest in Charlotte and attempt to begin the clock adjustment.

The next day we left Charlotte for Stuart's parents house.  That night, we headed to our dear, dear friends and neighbors The Fowler's before we headed to Moe's to greet the rest of our Clemson family.  As we were driving up toward their house (incidentally, we had to pass our house - now being rented - strange feeling), we pulled up to this sign:

What joy filled our hearts!  That was a fantastic welcome.  We enjoyed a tiny bit of QT with the Fowlers and spread out in 2 cars to head to Moe's.  Where our little band of friends took over the restaurant!  (College towns are a little dead after graduation in December - okay, a LOT dead!)

More pictures to chronicle our time.

We so enjoyed our time with our friends and family in Clemson.  I think - well, we felt so loved and appreciated.  And missed.  We spent time with all our closest friends, and they just made us feel so special.  Our family spent time with us, and just showed us love, and patience (allowing us to spend time with friends!)   It was wonderful.  I think love like that brings security.  Everyone has been asking me if it was hard to come back to Düsseldorf.  The truth is, it was actually easier.  Why?  Because we feel truly secure in the hearts of our dear friends and family.  They showed us such love and appreciation.  It was so safe, and so warm, and so open.  There was no shame in confessing the need to be together - no shame in saying you really missed someone.  We were so free to just be with each other.  Thank you to all of our friends and family Stateside.  We miss you still, but are so grateful for how you love us.  As cheesy as it is, it keeps us warm on these cold nights here in Düsseldorf.  And it frees us to love others, to make new friends, and to rejoice when YOU make new friends.  We have sealed our places in each other's hearts, and that is a beautiful thing.  It really, truly is.